Lifestyle · school

Starting Highschool!- How I’m Feeling


One thing I haven’t really talked about on here is that I am about to start high school! I did a google search of “starting high school” and all I found were news articles from places like buzz feed and kids health telling everything you need to know before going into it. There were no posts from people talking about how they are feeling going into this big transition into their life. So I decided to put up a post on how I am feeling! Hopefully it will help someone!

To get started, I’ll give you a little background. I am the oldest child in my family, so I’m the first kid to go to high school. Before, I was at a school that offered grades 9-12 but I wasnt really happy there. It was a very small school and I wanted to branch out into a bigger one. I wanted a real high school experience with lockers, football games and dances. When looking into new schools I looked at many different types. I checked out a homeschool one, a Jesuit one and a few other private school options. I decided upon a really great catholic one. But shhhh I’m not even catholic!

My new school has uniform, like my old one. Most people think of uniforms and immediately are disgusted but I have actually learned to LOVE them! You don’t have to worry about what outfit to pick out or if you’ll get dress coded or if your outfit is cute enough plus there’s not as much drama! A great thing is that we have uniforms Monday – Thursday and Friday we can wear whatever! It’s a nice way to end the week and I only have to worry about picking out one outfit instead of 5! Do any of you guys have uniforms and do you like them?

At my previous school we went Tuesday – Friday and on Mondays we did homework. Now I’m back to a regular 5 days a week schedule. I am actually excited to be more structured.

Did I mention that I am going to a school that no relatives have been to? Well not only that but I only know a few sophomores. I was kinda nervous at first, not knowing anybody but I know that I am at my school for a reason and God’s got this. I have gotten in touch with a few girls from my school and we have planned some meet ups before school starts. So if any of you are starting a new chapter of your life where you don’t know anybody, know its okay and that you aren’t the only one! Don’t be afraid to smile!

Of course I’m kinda nervous about figuring out how to get around to my classes but fortunately the school isn’t too large. Everyone is nervous about that right!

So, that wraps up my post for today. I am excited to go into high school and make new friends! But I’m trying to soak up every last-minute of summer. This was probably the most raw post I’ve ever done. I hope it helped some of you!


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